Monday, February 14, 2011

Mrs. Claus

So one of my hobbies is a Santa's Workshop dollhouse I started in 1981. Well this year my wife said she would like to have a Mrs. Claus and a kitchen room added to the Santa Workshop we have had all that time. So I scuplted a Mrs. Claus out of Sculpy clay.

Here Mrs. Clause is in front of the Workshop.

She kinda cute don't you think?

This is a reproduction I made of my Gramma's (grandmother's) own drop-leaf kitchen table. the sides fold down if you want them too.

While this is the reproduction of my Nana's (Great-grandmother's) 1954 Philco V Handle refrigerator

On the real one, whatever side of the handle you pulled down is the side of the fridge that opened. It was cool!

It does light up when plugged in. It's body is made of basswood. I made the freezer door, vegetable & fruit door and drawers and door shelves with a VAC-U-FORM.


1 comment:

Margaret Rambo Davis said...

Great job, you need to add a "rear" view of Mrs. Claus.....I love the way she looks from the back.