Monday, October 24, 2011

So the whole search for the 1963 Superman Model kit instructions reminded me that a few years ago I bought a Revell reissue of this classic model. Now the original sculpt for this head was a cross between Superman from the comics and George Reeves from television.

However Revell changed the head and it was/is somehow just not right and is most definitely not a favorite of model builders.

I realized that the guy who re-sculpted this head must have done the head then added the hair because the ears seemed to be buried in it.

So I took a Dremel and some sandpaper to his hair to give him a haircut and somewhat to his jaw line to thin out his face then used some Apoxy Sculpt and Testors contour putty to smooth things out. I also shaved his eyebrows so only the bottom of the lines were left and added the lines back in his neck which made the head fit in the body better. I still like the original from 1963 better but who can afford it!

You can because if you go to  you can buy one to improve the look of your revell model too!

So here is the model compleated I'm sure others have made better examples of it but this is the best I can do with the materals I had on hand. I may purchase the other head in the future but for now this is it.

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